Production Designer & Director: JAWS, JAWS 2, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Escape from New York

Cover of Joe Alves book.We’re gonna need a bigger boat!  Just in time for the 50th anniversary of that big shark movie, Jaws, we welcome back Academy Award-nominated Art Director, Production Designer, and Director Joe Alves. He’ll be celebrating the arrival of his new book, Joe Alves Adventures in Film Design. He’ll have plenty of material to share from his films, like Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Jaws 2, Jaws 3D, Escape from New York, and even Forbidden Planet (yes, at age 19 he worked with animator Josh Meador to create the memorable ID monster). Joe is a great storyteller, loves signing autographs, and enjoys meeting movie fans.

Photo of Dennis PrinceJoe will be joined by his collaborator, author Dennis L. Prince (who previously brought to us Monster Scenes: The Most Controversial Toys of a Generation), writer/compiler of the Joe Alves’ CE3K Production Scrapbook. They’ll both be on hand to sign their books at WonderFest!

Visit Joe’s website.