TAG Team/Iwata | Sci-Fi Modeling School
Episode IV: Clone Force 23
Friday, June 9th, 9 am-4 pm
SOLD OUT! No seats available.
Learn to paint an AMT STAR WARS Bad Batch Havoc Marauder!
- Learn to apply Aztek Dummy paint masks from Lou Dalmaso himself!
- Use our equipment or buy your own new equipment!
- Airbrush experience strongly recommended.
Your Havoc Marauder will be prepped and primed by our team of experienced modelers!
First, some warm up on the airbrushes. Next, Lou from AztekDummy will demo using the paint masks and show you some tricks! Then, paint up your Havoc Marauder in your choice of color scheme and markings.
Maruaders will be shown at the Friday Night Airbrush Party and in the WonderFest Amazing Model Contest. They’ll all go in for a public vote for the Best Clone Force 23 Marauder. Winner gets a Laserfire Creations Trophy sponsored by TAG Team Hobbies.
Take your Marauder home with you along with the other Student Pack goodies from class!
- Add the Eclipse HP-CS double action graivty feed airbrush!
- Add a Smart Jet Compressor to top off your modeling arsenal!
- Or add both!
Iwata instructors:
Robert “Otter” Feuillerat
Rob “Iwata Padawan” Schmitt
and Tom “The Wizard” Grossman